
Dear Brand…It’s Over.

In Business, Marketing, Social Media on August 23, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Dear Brand,

I’m sorry to have to write this in a letter.  I’ve tried to talk to you, but my pleas have gone unanswered.

There is no easy way to say this.

It’s over.

Please understand, it’s not you… it’s me.

Okay, maybe it is you.

I just don’t feel appreciated.  It seems our relationship is just all about YOU.  There was a time when I was fine with that, even embraced it.  We had some great times talking about you – like when we would laugh at that funny commercial you were in, or the time we were driving down the highway and saw your billboard.  That was hot!  My friends and I used to talk about that one a lot!

But I’ve changed.

I need more.

And, well, you are stuck in the past.  We never really “talk”, you know?  My schedule is crazy and I just don’t have as much time as I once did to do the things you enjoy – like watching TV and reading newspapers.  That’s okay once in a while, but I have new interests, too.  I know you don’t like how much time I spend on the web and in social networks, but it’s not just about you anymore.

I hate to hurt you, but I’ve met someone else…your archrival.

I didn’t plan for it to happen.  We met online in a social network and, at first, just chatted occasionally.  But then something happened…

We connected!  He told me about himself and shared interesting information.  And he wanted to get to know ME!  It wasn’t all about him.  He listened; he cared; and he made me feel valued.  I’d be lying if I said it meant nothing.  He had me at “Hello. How can I help?”

With you I feel our relationship has always been one-sided and you only care about one thing…

What I can do for you.

What about me?  What about what I want?  What about being involved in the things I enjoy?

I defended you to all of my friends.  When they were talking trash about you, I tried to be loyal.  You weren’t even there to defend yourself, and I just felt used.

So this is goodbye.  I hope you understand.  I needed more from you than you were willing to give.

I hope we can still be friends.

Well, maybe not.


Your former customer

P.S.  This has nothing to do with your silence when I asked you if I looked fat.

  1. I LOVE IT!!! Cute as a bugs ear!!! 🙂

    • Thank you Jenna! And thanks for taking the time to read it and share your thoughts. Hoping that some brands will soon realize the value in social media engagement

  2. Hi
    how true, some industries and particular brands are lagging behind and sinfully ignoring social media.
    I like your light hearted take on this serious business risk.
    Jayne Coulthard at brand-aura.com

    • Thanks Jayne. I often try to use unconventional ways to get my point across. Social media marketing is about relationship development and management. As in any relationship, business or personal, it is a give and take, requires dedication, commitment, and engagement. Thank you for taking the time to read it and share your thoughts. It’s great to connect with a like-minded soul! 🙂

  3. What a light hearted take on a serious business risk, ignoring social media and lagging behind competitors.

  4. Hah this made me laugh, nice one. No better way to convey a message than doing it by telling a story 🙂
    I’d like to see the reaction of some traditional big brand PR guy reading this, I am ready to bet he will shrug and move on.

    • I tend to try to get my point across in some non-traditional ways. 🙂 I think more big brand PR managers are seeing the value in social interaction than not. My hope would be that, even if he shrugged, he would still applaud my creativity. 😉

  5. Just read it and went gosh, I know why I was poor in the debate class. – Died: 0000-00-00 – Woody Allen Born 1935

  6. thanks for the information.. i will be visiting your blog

  7. Your thought of article is very much creative and interesting to read.

  8. Hi Xan

    Just had to comment on dear brand, we have all been mugged on this down the years, a highly amusing take on a very real issue
    Thanks for sharing Tony

  9. Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and sharing the kind comment. Sometimes the unconventional gets the point across better. ~Xan

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  11. […] del épico post de Xan Pearson, Dear brand its over. Thanks Xan! Tags: branding, comunicacion, […]

  12. Nice spin on things, Xan! Good job.

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